Image - Working in an emergency call center
Everyone can find himself/herself in an emergency situation. Every year, 112 and 101 call centers handle no less than six million calls. The dispatch service is the beating heart of the emergency services. They stand ready 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Behind these two numbers, we find two emergency centers working with different processes for handlings calls. 112 deals with emergency calls for urgent medical assistance and urgent assistance from the fire brigade. The Information and Communication Centre of the Federal Police (101) deals with calls for police assistance.
Emergency call centers always give the priority to those whose lives are potentially in danger. Other numbers help make sure the 112 emergency call center does not become overloaded. In the event of storm or thunderstorm, the number 1722 is activated. For the duty doctor, the number 1733 is available.
"Our ambition is to answer every call within the five seconds. The idea is not to answer as many calls as possible in the shortest possible time, but to help the people as quickly and as satisfactorily as possible."
Image As an operator in the 112 emergency center, you handle the emergency calls for urgent medical assistance and urgent assistance from the fire brigade.
As an operator, you take the emergency calls; you alert the emergency services and offer telephone support while waiting for the emergency services to arrive. Depending on the nature of the emergency and the degree of urgency, you send the nearest SMUR (Medical urgency team), PIT (Paramedical Intervention Team) or ambulance. According to the principle of the quickest adequate assistance, you alert the fire brigade. This link will enable you to find the information regarding the bases of the organization of emergency medical assistance in Belgium.
The Federal Public Service Home Affairs oversees the 112 emergency centers, with the exception of the 112 in Brussels. There is a dispatch center for every region, except for Walloon-Brabant. The province Hainaut handles these calls. Besides, the Federal Public Service Public Health contributes to the medical aspects. So all the 112 emergency centers have a medical management authority that assists the staff. 112 emergency centers are part of the chain of the emergency medical assistance. The 112 emergency number is the only emergency number that you can call free of charge in all European countries if you are in need of immediate assistance. Moreover, the 112 emergency center is the only one to be formally competent to activate the Medical Intervention Plan.As an operator, you do shift work. You work in 12-hour shifts, during the day, at night and on weekends.
Image As a calltaker in the Information and Communication Centre of the Federal Police (101), you handle the calls for police assistance.
As an operator, you collect information and analyze the situation. Once you have collected the necessary information, you inform the colleagues of the police dispatch who manage the police teams on the ground.
The 101 center works closely with the police services at the local and federal levels. Both levels carry out missions of the judicial police (finding of facts) and administrative police (law enforcement). Local police zones are in charge of everyday police missions. They carry out the seven basic tasks: neighbourhood-policing, reception, intervention, police support to the victims, local research, law enforcement and road safety. The federal police consists of very diverse directions, entities and services. They carry out missions in specialized fields or when phenomena exceed the local level. They provide assistance to the local police forces and represent the Belgian police services as part of the international police cooperation.
As a calltaker, you do shift work. You work in a variable schedule with day, night and weekend shifts.
- How does the recruitment procedure work?
Step 1 - Screening (for statutory functions only)You take computer-based tests. This way, we can test your generic skills as well as your sense of direction, geographic knowledge and insight into the functioning of emergency services and emergency centers. It is indeed important to localize the victim and provide the right assistance to them as quickly and as precisely as possible.
Step 2 - Interview (for statutory functions only)During the interview, we will assess your motivation and behavioural skills such as customer friendliness, resistance to stress, analyzing information, multitasking and communication skills. You know very well the region for which you apply. You can easily find the neighbouring provinces, cities, roads and waterways, risk areas and touristic attractions of your province on an outline map. During the mock exercise, you have to deal with an emergency call and show us what you are capable of. Your score for this part will determine your chances of success.
Step 3 - InvestigationIn order to work as an operator or a calltaker, a security investigation and a medical examination will be carried out. We will check the judicial data as well as the data from the intelligence and security services. You must have officially resided in Belgium for five years.
Step 4 - Entry into serviceYou have passed all the tests. Congratulations! You will receive a job offer via your Selor account. The recruitment manager will give you all the information.
Step 5 - TrainingYou undertake a thorough theoretical and practical training. This training will allow you to start the job with confidence. We fully support you in this. Once you land on the workplace, we will take care of the necessary continued support and coaching.
Step 6 - Start at 112 or 101Welkom!
- Still not sure? We will make you change your mind!
Image As an operator or a calltaker, you really make a difference. You are the first step towards help. You often work in stressful circumstances. You calm the people on the other end of the line in the event of emergencies. You listen carefully and ask the right questions in order to send targeted assistance. You are in close contact with the first responders who are your eyes and hands on the ground.
Image If you thought you had heard it all, think again. Every story is unique. Sometimes funny, sometimes heavy. Fortunately, you are not alone in this. On the work place, there is nice team dynamic between young enthusiastic forces and more experiences forces. Teamwork is key.
Image The centers must be available 24/7. With the right time management and planning, the variable hours can be perfectly combined with your private and family life.
Image Our service is close to the people. There is a center for every province and for Brussels-Capital Region. Working in your own region has many advantages. In addition, you receive an attractive basic wage with bonuses for night and weekend work.
Image You get the freedom and responsibility to address problems in an independent way. You challenge yourself and your colleagues to improve the quality of our service.
Image Moreover, we do not stand idly by in the field of digitalization. In that sense, the app 112 BE was launched in 2016. The citizen is one click away from help. High-performance dispatch and computer systems are essential, but it is our people who really make the difference. So we invest in training on and off the ground.